Psychology (faculty) in the News
Craig Bryan
The Military Wants Better Tests for PTSD, Speech Analysis Could Be the Answer
Craig Bryan said: “On active duty, I was always worried patients were lying to me because they are afraid of what was going to happen if they admitted they were having issues. Speech analysis could potentially solve that problem.”
Navy Rethinking Suicide Prevention as Rates Across Military Rise
The Navy is rethinking how it addresses suicides after two years of rising rates in the service. While there’s wide recognition among the senior leadership of the problem, quick fixes don’t exist and resources are stretched thin. Craig Bryan, the executive director of the National Center for Veteran Studies, told USNI News “Suicide is best understood if we look at it from a decision paradigm and less than a mental health paradigm.”
Additional Coverage
Death of admiral shines light on U.S. Navy suicides
Ed Diener
Why Governments Should Care More about Happiness
While being interviewed, Ed Diener was asked: is happiness the responsibility of the society or the citizen? He stated: "It is the responsibility of both...Government policies can certainly foster economic prosperity, but citizens each individually must work hard, and if they are lazy or irresponsible they will probably not flourish."
David Strayer

Dr. David Strayer from the Department of Psychology was interviewed by the Utah Education Network for a locally produced segment. Dr. David Strayer impressed the UEN PD team with this important research. We applaud his work and the efforts.
David Strayer's Applied Cognition Lab Highlighted in Recent Article
David Strayer's lab was highlighted in a recent article about a bill to protect pedestrians and cyclists. According to the Applied Cognition Laboratory, "the odds of having a collision while texting are eight times higher than driving while not distracted."