Lace Padilla
Graduate Student, Cognition and Neural Science | CNSAdviser: Sarah Creem-Regehr Curriculum Vitae Contact InformationOffice: 919 BEHS |
Research Interests
My research focuses on visual perception and includes decision-making influenced by visualizations and spatial cognition of underrepresented populations. I work collaboratively with visualization scientists, geographers, and anthropologists.
NSF-funded projects: Uncertainty Visualization Project, Spatial Cognition and Navigation (SCAN) Project
Ph.D., (In process) University of Utah (Cognitive Neuroscience, 2018)
Masters, University of Utah (Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015)
Masters, University of Utah (Fine Art, 2013)
Bachelors, Pacific Northwest College of Art (Fine Art, 2009)
Selected Publications
Padilla, L. M., Quinan, S.P., Meyer, M., Creem-Regehr, S. H. (In press). Evaluating the Impact of Binning 2D Scalar Fields. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Download
Evaluating the Impact of Binning 2D Scalar Fields |
Padilla, L.M., Hansen, G., Ruginski, I.T., Kramer, H.S., Thompson, W.B., & Creem-Regehr,
S.H. (2014). The influence of different graphical displays on non-expert decision
making under uncertainty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied.
Cashdan, E., Kramer, K. L., Davis, H. E., Padilla, L., & Greaves, R. D. (2015). Mobility
and Navigation among the Yucatec Maya. Human Nature, 1–16.
Vashro, L., Padilla, L., & Cashdan, E. (2015). Sex Differences in Mobility and Spatial
Cognition. Human Nature, 1–19.
Padilla, L. M., Stefanucci, J., Cashdan, E., Creem-Regehr, S. H. (In press). Sex differences in virtual navigation influenced by scale and navigation experience. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review